Monday 31 October 2011

12th Month - October 2011 - Steve

A whole year, one more month to be at the same time of year as the first picture. Hard to believe it has been a year, and there have been fallers along the way... However, almost finished - I want to do next months just to see how different they may be - with continuing amazing weather 23.5 degs on October the 30th!!!!

Thinking about another subject or theme for the next twelve months, not decided yet what to do... The October picture was taken on the 7D and I am interested in looking at the comparable month to see if there is anything other than the seasonal changes to be noted with the higher pixel count.

11th Month - September 2011 - Steve

September and the continuing Indian Summer, bone dry ground and plenty of sunshine still...

10th Month - August 2011 - Steve

Night shot to upload... once I find it on the computer...

Saturday 20 August 2011

9th Month - July 2011 - Steve

As I said in the previous post not a moment ago, life conspired against me and sadly July was lost after my Mother was diagnosed with an inoperable or treatable brain tumour, having been given a few months to live I think she maybe just gave up and passed away within a month, sadly missed by us all.

So for my July effort I have tweaked another picture with a watercolour style - one of Mum's favourites - and I think it works well, it is more obvious on a larger image so click on it to go full size.

Just waiting for the tripod and will get an August photo in the bag hopefully within the next week.

8th Month - June 2011 - Steve

Life conspired against me in both June and July so I never actually made it to the photo point, so I have decided to do some Photoshop work - this one for June I had a play with trying to emulate Vincent  Van Gogh - limited success I think more swirls and a larger brush may be needed, anyway it is a start.

I think the original photo is the one from April or May - I forget which and it was only five minutes ago!!

I have made one foray to the site in August - due to roadworks now a 5 min drive is a 15 minute drive! - and was there late at night as wanted to try and get something with the moonlight - looked okay on the camera but way to much shake and blur on the PC full size... so have ordered a tripod and will go back again as soon as it arrives, really want to see if I can get a low moon in the picture, but not 100% sure if it is achievable yet... we will see!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

7th Month - Weekend of the 7/8 May - Steve


Wow where is the time going, here is the next shot in the sequence. I am confident that the missing entry from last month will make an appearance at some point... There is also a possibility of some historical images from the UK (South) site that will be published on a separate page.

Anyway not a huge change from last month, maybe some additional shades of green and finally some leaves on the foreground trees. Still no sign of any Sunflower fields so maybe this is a non-sunflower year :-(

Sunday 10 April 2011

6th Month - 09 Apr 2011 - MIke

Well here we are again .... did someone press fast forward on the VCR of life (Yeah I know saying VCR and not DVD makes me sound old ... well I am old so ...)

Once again I am a week behind - due having been away last weekend in Lincolnshire photographing things that are old and decrepit  just like myself.

Again my image doesn't look hugely different from previous ones but hey ho here it is anyway: